Pure Clear *

  • PureSan “Pure Clear” is a saturated complex ionic aqueous solution containing copper, silver, zinc, aluminium and gold. The microscopic action of these natural mineral ions with the algae and bacteria are twofold. First, the algae and bacteria in the water are destroyed through a change in their enzyme processes as the ions break down their DNA structures and cell walls. Secondly, all these charged particles floc together so they can be trapped by a filter. The ions maintain a stable “Pure Pool” residual in the water until they are used up by this process.
  • Typically a swimming pool with a volume of 50,000 litres of water only needs to be dosed with up to one litre of Pure Pool every 4 weeks and during the low season the pool will use significantly less during the winter months. The pH needs to be tested using the test strips and maintained at between 7.0 and 7.4 with 7.2 being the desired target. This can be done as and when necessary using the pH+ and pH- powders. The Pure Clear solution is dosed by pouring the dosage amount directly into the pool skimmer box intake.
  • The residual level of PureSan is to be monitored by testing the water for copper content, using the copper test strips. The target level is 0.4-0.8mg/l of copper. It should be noted that the UK and EU maximum allowable limit for copper in drinking water is 2.0mg/l, so your pool water would be well within this limit.
  • The advantages and desired effect of this pool treatment solution will be to improve the quality of the swimming pool water and drastically reduce the exposure of swimmers and lifeguards to chlorine and its irritating and harmful effects such as asthmatic conditions.
